Boutique Venue


“Stimulated by the ethos of Kinshasa”

Situated within a 500m radius to the Congo River, this project reflects a variety of elements experienced in nature.

The venue serves to provide to the public, while remaining visually integral with the Boutique Hotel – achieved through elements of grandeur all of which cater for luxurious entertainment and distinguished inspiration, a concretised manifestation of the thrill of Kinshasa.

The verticality of the hotel compliments the horizontality of this venue, remaining true to its inhabitants through the consistency of materials and thoughtful integration of colour. The verticality of the slender, sculptural elements of the venue’s facade follows forms inspired by nature, which sits integral with its’ surrounding context yet stands with confidence in its materiality and essence of space. The interior programme reflects a sophisticated material palette, with concrete textures, speculative visuals and organic surfaces enhanced by elements of opulence.

Ave de la Justice & Ave Kilo Moto

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